Sugar Journal

Effect of Colour and Ash Constituents on Cane Sugar Quality
Hon-Jun, F.  1992.  This paper on recent research results emphasizes two areas: the extent of crystal content of various impurities, which can be indicated by a new term “Non-sugar Coefficient” denoted by NSC. The second area of emphasis is the improvement of sugar quality. Effect of Colour and Ash Constituents on…
Artificial Wetlands for the Treatment of Mill Effluent
Schumann, G.T.  1992.  Experimental artificial wetlands for treating sugar mill effluent have been in operation at Felixton and Mount Edgecombe for almost two years. The roots of reeds and bulrushes growing in the wetlands supply oxygen for the oxidation of sugars. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal was the main…
Relationship Between Crystal Elongation and the Presence of Some Impurities in Cane Sugar Processing
Mantovani, G., Vaccari, G.,  1993.  The investigation is a continuation of previous laboratory studies, which confirmed that dextran, glucose and fructose promoted c-axis elongation, although oligosaccharides play a dominant role in such elongation. Relationship Between…
Platular All-Welded Plate Heat Exchangers
Martin, D.  1993.  Technological evolution in welding processes, together with an increasing demand for compact heat exchangers combining efficiency and flexibility, has led to the development over 25 years of all-welded plate exchangers called platular heaters. This paper gives background on the introduction of the all-welded plate…
Performance of Flangeless Mill Top Rolls at Cajun Sugar Cooperative, New Iberia, Louisiana
Legendre, W. and Lebron, J.  1993.  The decision to install the stationary flanges was made to solve problems of mill chokes caused by bagasse jamming in between the check-plates and the ends of the mill feed roll. The changes were made at Cajun Sugar Co-op after the experience with…