Sugar Y Azucar

Genetic and Harvest Age Influences on Ethanolic Fermentation from Sugarcane Juice
Celestine-Myrtil-Marlin, A.D.  1991.  Research was initiated in 1984 in Guadeloupe to improve fermentation yield and quality of fermented products obtained in the factories from sugarcane juice of conventional varieties. The first step was a study of the composition of the sugarcane raw material…
Five Years' Experience with Weak Cation Softening on Thin Juice
Henscheid, T., Valazquez, L.,  1991.  For the past five years, Amalganated Sugar has been softening thin juice at their Twin Falls plant. The ultimate goal was to produce a soft molasses that could be   processed in the   plant’s chomato-separator. This softening process has been a real success from a thin…
El Potrero Sugar Mill Cogeneration Project
Rylant, S.A.  1991.  The El Potrero sugar mill in Cordoba, Veracruz, Mexico solution to controlling process steam pressure is a digital cogeneration system. The new system will use the turbogenerators as controlled reducer valves when parallel to the utility, C.F.E. Steam flow through the mill turbines is governed by the quantity of…
The Global Choice for Pulping Bagasse, The Rapid Cooking Horizontal Tube Continuous Digester with Screw Feeder
Atchison, J.E.  1992.  Cooking bagasse in very short period of time for the production of bleachable pulp was worked on by various organizations and individuals. As a result of these intensive works, it was concluded that the horizontal continuous digester, with screw…
Near Infrared (NIR) Analysis, In the Sugarcane Factory
Clarke, M.A., Arias, E.R.,  1992.  NIR analysis of sugarcane juice is rapid and simple, with no sample preparation. Up to 6 components can be analyzed in two minutes after calibration curves have been made, so that all samples currently coming into cane factories can be tested. No chemical treatment is required for…