Genetic and Harvest Age Influences on Ethanolic Fermentation from Sugarcane Juice

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Genetic and Harvest Age Influences on Ethanolic Fermentation from Sugarcane Juice

Celestine-Myrtil-Marlin, A.D.  1991.  Research was initiated in 1984 in Guadeloupe to improve fermentation yield and quality of fermented products obtained in the factories from sugarcane juice of conventional varieties. The first step was a study of the composition of the sugarcane raw material using HPLC analytical method. The second step was a screening of available varieties associated with modifications of field management and with analysis of how these parameters can influence fermentation efficiency of cane juice. Genetic and Harvest Age Influences on Ethanolic Fermentation from Sugarcane Juice. Sugar y Azucar, September 1991:37-41.