Sugar Journal

On-Line Removal of Metal Oxide Deposits in a High Pressure Boiler at Hilo Coast Processing Company Sugar Mill
Rauh, J.S., Bishop, L.C.,  1993.  A recent occurrence of several tube failures at the HCPC raw sugar mill located at Pepeeko, Hawaii caused this high pressure boiler plant to reconsider its chemical programs and internal inspection methods. In 1991, the chemical…
Cooling-Crystallization of Thick and Raw Juices
Mantovani, G. and Vaccari, G.  1993.  To contribute partially in solving the energy saving problem of the sugar industry, a study was conducted as to the possibility of obtaining sugar directly from both thick and raw juices utilizing the cooling crystallization technique. This latter process, makes possible for equivalent…
Spontaneous Decomposition of Molasses During Storage
Mantovani, G. and Vaccari, G.  1994.  Molasses stored for somewhat long periods offers the possibility of either chemical or microbiological reactions, which may lead to either a quality loss or to spontaneous true decomposition causing molasses carbonization or even to a tank explosion. Spontaneous Decomposition of Molasses…
Direct Production of White Cane Sugar with Clarification and Decolorization Membranes
Saska, M., Deckherr, A.,  1995.  An alternative direct route without any remelting, that takes advantage for decolorization of the new-generation polymeric membranes with pore size on the order of 20 to 50 A, has been studied at Audubon Sugar Institute and is briefly described in this…
Use of Composted Municipal Waste in Sugarcane Production
Zielke, R.C.  1996.  A possible solution in disposing municipal waste is to make compost for use in agricultural production. One approach to making compost is that used by Bedminster Bioconversion Corp. The Bedminster Process combines one part sewage sludge with two parts solid waste in a “three-day turning drum process…