On-Line Removal of Metal Oxide Deposits in a High Pressure Boiler at Hilo Coast Processing Company Sugar Mill

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On-Line Removal of Metal Oxide Deposits in a High Pressure Boiler at Hilo Coast Processing Company Sugar Mill

Rauh, J.S., Bishop, L.C., et.al.  1993.  A recent occurrence of several tube failures at the HCPC raw sugar mill located at Pepeeko, Hawaii caused this high pressure boiler plant to reconsider its chemical programs and internal inspection methods. In 1991, the chemical treatment program was changed. After 12 months on-line, with the new Precision PlusTM treatment program, the boiler was inspected internally and found to be in excellent condition. On-Line Removal of Metal Oxide Deposits in a High Pressure Boiler at Hilo Coast Processing Company Sugar Mill. Sugar Journal, January 1993:16-20.