Sugar Journal

Effects of Filter Cake Applications on Sugarcane Yields in Brazil
Orlando Filho, J., Silva, L.C.F.,  1991.  The increase in organic carbon resulted in an increase in the cation exchange capacity (CEC). This, undoubtedly, resulted in an increase in the utilization of other nutrients such as potassium. Where filter cake was applied broadcast at 100 tons/ha maximum yields…
Study of Cane Juice Clarification by Pulsed Flow Technique
Yang, W., Clarke, M.A.,  1992.  A new kind of cane juice clarification technique, the Pulsed Flow Technique, is reported; its generation and application are discussed. Experiments with pulse flow technique on lime-phosphate defecation and carbonation processes were conducted in Sugar Processing Research…
Magma Mixing and Melting Type Continuous Centrifugals
Milner, T.D.  1992.  In 1988 and 1989, Silver Engineering Works began working on a new design for a continuous centrifugal to melt low raw sugar in a model 4630 continuous centrifugal. The new design requires the use of a previously designed Silver Engineering magma mixing feature. It was discovered that a light magma…
Identification of Sweeteners in Beverages
Charles Tang, W.S., Clarke, M.A.,  1992.  Several chromatographic techniques can be applied to the identification procedures for sweeteners. Methods are presented that can distinguish sucrose from cane and beet sources and starch-derived sweeteners. Identification of Sweeteners in Beverages. Sugar Journal, January 1992:15-18.
Evolvement of the Industrial System of Bagasse Particleboard Production in China
Jingxing, C.  1992.  This is a summary of the process of development in the Chinese bagasse particleboard industry, in the People’s Republic of China, from the stage of trial experiments to industrial production. Characteristics of its industrial development, production technology and…