
Heat Treatment of Low Grade Massecuite.
     Sto.Domingo, J.P. 1953.  Proper heat treatment of the low grade massecuite prior to purging is a tool for increasing the capacity of the centrifugals, reducing the purity of the final molasses and favoring the production of a better quality commercial sugar, as conducted at Talisay-Silay Milling Company. PROCEEDINGS OF THE…
Feed and Food Potential of Molasses.
     Salazar, G.H. 1953.  Molasses as feed and food potential because it contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats and minerals. PROCEEDINGS OF THE PHILIPPINE SUGAR TECHNOLOGISTS. August: 174-178.
Cane Juice Clarification.
    Ventura, T. 1953.  The system of clarification at Pasudeco which has been in use since 1931 serves as a basis for further studies, modifications and alterations according to necessities and requirements of a particular sugar factory. PROCEEDINGS OF THE PHILIPPINE SUGAR TECHNOLOGISTS. August: 110-114.
Application of Capacitors
     De Luzuriaga, E.R. 1953.  The increased requirement in the electrical circuit at the Victorias Milling Company, due to additional installation in the factories and outside units called for more power producing current, thus to attain this objective, capacitors were installed. PROCEEDINGS OF THE PHILIPPINE SUGAR TECHNOLOGISTS. August: 91-99.
Wax and Organic Fertilizer from Filter Press Cake
     Rosales, H.R. 1954.  The possibilities of filter press cake as a source of wax and the dewaxed filter press cake as an excellent material for “organiculture.” PROCEEDINGS OF THE PHILIPPINE SUGAR TECHNOLOGISTS. August: 50-57.