Archived Articles

January 23, 2015 Farm & Ranch Guide, By Sue Roesler


U.S. sugar producers have essentially won the Mexico sugar dumping lawsuit.


The U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) signed agreements with Mexico last month that ended the investigation into Mexico dumping subsidized sugar on the U.S. market, according to Phillip Hayes, a spokesman for the American Sugar Alliance.


January 23, 2015 Nasdaq By Dow Jones Business News

The Brazilian government will approve an increase in the amount of ethanol mixed into the country's gasoline in the first week of February, Agriculture Minister Katia Abreu said Thursday.


All the gasoline sold at the pumps in Brazil currently has a mixture of 25% ethanol, the maximum allowed until a change to the law last year. Now the…

January 22, 2015 Business World By Alden Monzon

A PROPOSED measure seeking to make the sugarcane industry more competitive through government-funded programs and tax incentives has been approved at the bicameral level and is now awaiting the signature of the President.

“Our efforts to reinvigorate and revitalize the sugarcane industry through diversification, development, and financing programs for…

January 22, 2015 Bloomberg By Pratik Parija and Prabhudatta Mishra 

The sugar harvest in India, the world’s biggest producer after Brazil, is forecast to climb to the highest level since 2012, increasing pressure on the government to subsidize exports and trim stockpiles. Futures declined.

Production may rise to 26 million metric tons in the year that began on Oct. 1, according to the median of…

January 22, 2015 Wall Street Journal By Leslie Josephs




Investors have found a sweet spot among plunging commodity markets: sugar.


"Prices Are Up About 10% Due to Brazil’s Weather and Taxes, While Most Commodities Are Down"

Raw-sugar futures are up about 10% this year, even as most commodities continue to decline. Sugar’s gains come amid dry weather in No. 1…