Archived Articles

July 1, 2015 Sugaronline |

The sugar export to different countries has fetched foreign exchange of US$171.78 million during first three quarters of previous fiscal year, according to the Associated Press of Pakistan.

The cropped area for sugarcane stood at 1.141 million hectares during 2014/15 against last year's area of 1.173 million hectares…

June 30, 2015 Yahoo Finance (original article from IANS) |

New Delhi, June 30 (IANS) Sugar mill owners said on Tuesday they will be unable to start operations from the 2015-16 crushing season starting October unless the government accepts their proposal to link cane prices to that of sugar.

Warning of sugarcane remaining unharvested, the…

June 30, 2015 Sugaronline |

Representatives of the associations of Cuba Sugar Technicians (ATAC by its Spanish acronym) and its Mexican counterpart (ATAM by its Spanish acronym) will assess, in this capital, alternatives to increase yields and reduce costs in the cultivation of sugarcane in the two countries, according to the Cuban News Agency.

June 29, 2015 Sugaronline |

Industry Minister Saleh Husin has asserted that there should be at least 10,000 hectares of land made available to make Lampung a center for national sugar refinement, according to Indonesia's Jakarta Post newspaper.

He said that the need for such a large amount of land could be tackled if the Lampung administration…

June 29, 2015Sugaronline |

India has received 21% more rainfall than normal till now, according to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), according to MyDigitalFC.

IMD data shows the quantum of rainfall between June 1 and 22 stood at 126.1 mm, which is 21% above normal from the benchmark of 103.8 mm arrived on the basis of a 50-year average…