CUBA: Mexican and Cuban sugar experts meet in Havana

June 30, 2015
Sugaronline |

Representatives of the associations of Cuba Sugar Technicians (ATAC by its Spanish acronym) and its Mexican counterpart (ATAM by its Spanish acronym) will assess, in this capital, alternatives to increase yields and reduce costs in the cultivation of sugarcane in the two countries, according to the Cuban News Agency.

Mutual experiences will be discussed in the second meeting of the two groups, to be held from July 21 to 22 at Lazaro Pena Convention Center.

A keen interest agenda will be discussed at the event, which includes initiatives for harvest in high humidity and subsequent assistance for shoots, Eduardo Martinez Lamadrid, president of ATAC, told ACN.

He said they will exchange on sustainable increase in the varieties of high sugar potential, technical measures to achieve growth in tons of sugar per hectare and possibilities of payment by quality.

They will also deal with issues linked with the production of animal feed, treatment of waste from the sugar industry and derivatives, as well as the rise in industrial efficiency by depletion of final molasses.

According to Martinez Lamadrid, this will be a great opportunity for companies in the energy sector to be aware of the new possibilities of technical and commercial exchange that Cuba has currently and for the immediate future.

Executives of the two associations ratified a cooperation agreement, signed in 2009, to increase twinning partnerships of Mexican and Cuban plants.