Latest supply and demand situation of the philippine sugar industry
Archived Articles
July 21, 2015Sugaronline |
Experts from Mexico and Cuba begin today here the Second ATAM-ATAC Technical Meeting, to achieve a competitive sugar cane industry, with social and ecological responsibility, according to Cuba's Prensa Latina.
The director of the Mexican Association of Sugar-producer Technicians (ATAM) and the President of the…
July 20, 2015Sugaronline |
Marathon Sugar, which trades under Tongaat Hulett, says it now meets international food standards requirements, according to The Namibian newspaper.
The company, which turned 25 years recently, has met the International Standardisation Organisation (ISO) 22000, which deals with food safety.
The ISO 22000…
July 20, 2015Sugaronline |
You may think you have a sweet tooth - but it's proving no match for the world's enormous stockpiles of sugar, according to the Wall Street Journal.
"The world has produced too much sugar for the last five years," said Robin Shaw, an analyst at broker Marex Spectron.
By the end of September, the world could be…
July 20, 2015Sun Star Cebu |
REVENUE Regulation (RR) No. 6-2015 consolidates the imposition and manner of collection of the advance value-added tax or percentage tax on raw sugar and refined sugar.
It previously defined raw cane sugar as sugar produced by simple process of conversion of sugar cane without a need of any of mechanical or similar…
July 16, 2015Manila Standard Today (Anna E. Gonzales) |
Manila wants Tokyo to remove the tariff imposed on Philippine sugar exports, as part of the reduction of tariffs on farm products required under the Philippines-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement.
PJEPA is a comprehensive bilateral trade and investment agreement between Japan and the…