July 21, 2015
Sugaronline | http://goo.gl/7jIJ64
Experts from Mexico and Cuba begin today here the Second ATAM-ATAC Technical Meeting, to achieve a competitive sugar cane industry, with social and ecological responsibility, according to Cuba's Prensa Latina.
The director of the Mexican Association of Sugar-producer Technicians (ATAM) and the President of the Association of Cuban Sugar Technicians (ATAC), Manuel Enrique Poy and Eduardo Lamadrid, respectively, agreed today in this capital that the event seeks to exploit technical potentialities and research of the sector in both countries.
Speaking to the specialized press, they reiterated that this is about achieving the global competitiveness and in turn, the sustainability of sugar production in regions where it takes place.
According to the program, during the opening ceremony of the forum, Poy, also general director of Motzorongo Group, will give a keynote speech on the current situation and prospects of sugar in Mexico.
On the other hand, Azcuba Group expert, Juan Godefoy, will present an updating of the sugar technology and also refer to particular cases of India and China.
More than 50 experts, who will discuss some 23 papers in several panels dedicated to industrial efficiency, new technologies and sugarcane agriculture, are participating in the event.
Representatives of firms settled in Cuba, related to the sector, will present their products and services.