Sugar Y Azucar

Sugar's Role in Nutrition -  Dealing with the Realities
Vlitos, A.J.  1990.  Sugar’s role in nutrition is an emotive subject. For that matter, nutrition itself is a science that arouses passions and controversy. This article will set out why, how and where the change is taking place and examine likely trends in nutrition and food habits during the next decade. Sugar’s Role in…
Sugar Technology in Mexico
Poy, M.E.  1990.  The 64 Mexican mills that operated during the 1989/90 campaign, produced almost 3.1 million metric tons of standard sugar, a significant drop when compared to the previous campaign that yielded 3.59 million metric tones. What were the causes behind such a decline in production? Sugar Technology in Mexico: A Status Report. Sugar y…
Protein Feed Granules from Bagacillo for Fish Farming
Yu, B.G.  1990.  On a basis of 10 tons bone dry bagacillo to produce one ton of pure single-cell protein, each mill would have more than 1,300 tons protein a year; at the ratio of two tons dry bagacillo for one ton bagacillo-protein mixed feed, each mill would have an annual production of some 6,000 tones mixed feed, This…
Integrated Treatment of Regeneration Effluents from Decolorization Units in the Sugar Refinery
Bento, J., Machado Santos, J,  1990.  Sugarcane refinery using a resin decolorization unit discharges between 6m3 and 9m3 of colored brine per 100 tonnes of sugar produced. Its high content of organic materials requires biological treatment, but its sodium chloride content…
Influence of Minimum Air Temperatures and Stale Cane Deliveries on Cane and or sugar Ratio in Jamaica
Shaw, M.E.A.  1990.  Several factors influence cane/sugar ratio. Its intrinsic limit is determined by the genetic attributes of individual cane varieties. Among these are air temperatures, duration and intensity of light, moisture levels, and the ionic environment of some…