Sugar Y Azucar

Brazil's Sucro-Alcohol Industry at Crossroads
Mazzone, J.  1989.  This article explore the root causes of Brazil’s sucro-alcohol crisis, and offer a reasonable prognosis for the coming years for the alcohol program and for Brazil’s sugar industry, its export capacity, and the trends involving the sugarcane sector. A scrapping of the alcohol program or even a down-playing of…
Frost Influence on Sugarcane Quality
Fogliata, F.A., Ayala, H.G.,  1987.  The Argentine sugar cane belt is situated in the subtropic and annually, frost of different intensities is registered above all in Tucuman. This situation can make the crisis worse in some productive sections, making it useful to know, on a comparative scale, the probability levels of sugar and…
Falling Film Evaporators for the Cane sugar Industry
Tobe, P.  1987.  In order to increase the number of effects of an evaporator station in a given total temperature interval, evaporator construction is required, where operation is possible, with small effective temperature differences. The article differentiates between the Robert evaporator used so far and the falling-film…
Evapo-Crystallization Towers in Operation
Bosse, E.D.  1987.  The experience gained with the 4 chamber evapo-crystallization tower in operation for the production of low-grade magma proves that this unit provides in just four crystallization stages the desired degree of syrup dessacharification and the required crystal growth. Evapo-Crystallization Towers in Operation. Sugar y…
Disposal of Filter Cake by Combustion
le Grand, F.  1987.  Filter cake may be incinerated separately under closely controlled conditions to avoid the likely ash fusion. The use of “Vortex” furnace device, in which operation and flue gas temperature are narrowly regulated by a “Stokemaster” control, appears ideally suited for the complete and efficient combustion of filter cake…