Sugar Y Azucar

Citric Acid Production by the Fermentation of Molasses
Kampf, H.  1982.  In 1917, Currie reported for the first time the fermentation of citric acid by means of the mold, Aspergillus niger. Modern fermentation processes are economic and require only roughly three tones of molasses for the production of one tonne of citric acid. There are two different, well established…
Chemical Studies on Non-Fermentable Reducing Substances in the Egyptian Sugar Industry
Abou El Ela, A. and Abd El Latief, A.Z.  1982.  The amount of non-fermentable reducing substances formed during the processing of raw sugar manufacture depend upon several factors, such as the amount of Ca(OH)2 added, the temperature of heating and the time of treatment. Furthermore, the…
The Potential for Generation of Public Electricity in Cane Sugar Factories
Torisson, T.  1984.  By the use of modern and efficient energy handling equipment in existing sugar factories, considerable amount of bagasse can be conserved and be utilized to produce electric power. The concept that is proposed in this article has been designed as a result of thorough study of energy…
Sugar Refinery in Sweden Install Turbine Driven Heat Pump
Akesson, G. and Gunnarsson, R.  1984.  A decision was made several years ago to expand the district heating network of Malmo, Sweden to the suburb of Burlov. A pipeline would thereby pass close to the Arlov-Sugar Refinery. Accordingly the idea of supplying waste heat from the refinery to the district heating network was…
Fermentation of High Test Molasses
de Murphy, N.F.  1984.  Highest fermentation rate and alcohol yield during the fermentation of high test molasses were achieved when blackstrap molasses was used for the preparation of the yeast seed. Blackstrap molasses provided the nutrient balance necessary for more efficient fermentation. Similar use of rum distillery slops was also…