Sugar News

Molasses Analysis
King, R.H.  1932.  A modification of the present official (Walker) method of analysis of molasses has been investigated. This consists of the use of solid, dry, mono-basic potassium phosphate after the lead clarification for deleading. Molasses Analysis. Sugar News 13:7-15.
Guirnela, L.J.  1932.  High moisture content of the resultant bagasse of the mill reveal itself a mute testimony of an ever existing mechanical milling deficiency which stand in need of correction and remedy, for it means a certain sugar loss running into hundreds of pesos daily. Milling. Sugar News 13:579-581.
Mill Roller Juice Drainage
Nickelsen, T.O.  1932.  By no other method, other than materially increasing the milling train, could the present high extraction of sucrose from the cane have been attained without this system of juice drainage. Mill Roller Juice Drainage. Sugar News 13:487-492.
Centrifugal Clarification and Some Cane Sugar By-Products
Mahoney, J.C.  1932.  The article refers to the separation of gums from the cane juice before any attempt can be made to clarify the juice by the usual methods of clarification such as the addition of lime and heat. The  sugar industry  should focus also in the making of sugar by-products such as the use of sucrose in…
Capacity of Milling Train
Ebro, L.S. Jr.  1932.  In dealing with the problem of mill expansion it should be worth while to investigate the safe maximum operating capacity of the mill train before deciding on the purchase or installation of another milling train or increment to the present train. The article presents the different empirical formulae in determining standard…