Sugar Journal

A Comparison of Cut-Chop and Whole-Stalk Cane for Processing at the Iberia Sugar Co-op Factory in 1995
Parris, A.  1997. Louisiana sugarcane growers and sugar factories are extremely interested in determining the feasibility of harvesting cane with cut-chop machinery. Factories are interested in determining the benefits and problems that would be associated with processing cut…
El Khattabi, M.O., Alaoui Hafidi, M.R.,  1998. A conventional electrodialysis operation to remove melassigenic ions in Moroccan cane sugar juice have been carried out under optimal conditions. The variations of juice parameters were followed. A thermostability test of the treated juice was carried out to control behaviors towards temperature. Removal of Melassigenic…
Monitoring of Cane Lost through Extractor Fans of Chopper Harvesters in Green Cane
Dr. Paul, B.B.  1998.  For the cane sugar industry, the three concentric calandria continuous vacuum pan is better than other designs because it ensures the following functions: uniform grain development due to vigorous circulation in first calandria where steam enters at center and downtake at…
Latest Development in the Design of Thre Concentric Calandria Continuous Vacuum Pans
Dr. Paul, B.B.  1998.  For the cane sugar industry, the three concentric calandria continuous vacuum pan is better than other designs because it ensures the following functions: uniform grain development due to vigorous circulation in first calandria where steam enters at center and downtake…
Hydrostatic Transmissions for Sugar Mills
Lewinski, J.  1998.  This paper presents a description of the different options with respect to the use and advantages of hydrostatic transmissions in connection with sugar mills. Hydrostatic Transmissions for Sugar Mills. Sugar Journal, December 1998:23-30.