Sugar Journal

Alvarez, J.F. Pacheco, A.,  1989.  Atlantic Sugar Association for the 1987/88 crop, modified the last mill of the seven-mill tandem, to accommodate a forced feed roll, and thereby convert the mill from the conventional three-roll design to the four-roll design. The benefits of the four-roll mill are identified. Operations of Two Four-Roll Mills in Florida. Sugar Journal…
Non-Sugars - Extraneous Matter in Raw and Refined Sugar
Martin, D.S. and Somner, J.E.  1989.  The purpose of this paper is to look at some aspects of the effects of non-sugars in our products, which are not answered in the handbooks. Non-Sugars: Extraneous Matter in Raw and Refined Sugar. Sugar Journal, October 1989:9-12.
Investigation into the Causes of Vapor Pipe Corrosion
Schaffler, K.J., Day-Lewis, C.M.J.,  1989.  Serious corrosion of vapor and condensate lines has occurred at Felixton during the past two seasons. Analysis indicated that vapour two condensates contained excessively high levels of acetic acid. Acetate levels in mixed juice were also found to be significantly higher…
Energy Conservation through Automatic Control in Sugarcane Industry  A Case Study
Ing. Cesca, M.R. and Ing. Demo, H.R.  1989.  A global strategy for the automatic control of the energy balance in a particular sugar mill is proposed and tested via simulation. Potential savings are calculated with the aid of a static mathematical model, as a function of imbibition ratio, fuel/…
Control of Sugar Polarisation and Moisture Using Near Infrared Reflectance Analysis
Ames, R.V., Norton, S.W.,  1989.  Further method development was carried out at CSR Central Laboratory to refine and improve the NIR calibrations in order to accurately predict sucrose and moisture in sugar products. Control of Sugar Polarisation and Moisture Using Near Infrared…