
Removing Mill Pinions
     Rodriguez, H.V. 1956.  During breakdown of crown wheels and mill pinions a simple gadget was recently devised to push out the keys and pinions easily. PROCEEDINGS OF THE PHILLIPINE SUGAR TECHNOLOGISTS. August:  56-57.
Recent Developments in Sugar Engineering and Observations from Indian Sugar Factories
     Sason, J.O. 1956.  The techniques and equipment of most mills in Indian sugar factories were noted to have some dissimilarities from those obtaining in the Philippines. PROCEEDINGS OF THE PHILIPPINE SUGAR TECHNOLOGISTS. August: 67-74.
Reaction of Low Fiber Cane Towards Milling
     Suerte, D. 1956.  Shown in actual milling practice that low fiber canes, such as Alunan and POJ 3016,affect adversely extraction of sucrose which behavior is contrary to the general experience of sugar technologies and mill engineers in other countries. PROCEEDINGS OF THE PHILIPPINE SUGAR TECHNOLOGISTS. August: 277-283.
Rapid and Equitable Distribution of Planters’ Final Molasses
     Ancheta, T.R. 1956.  A report on the imperative of a reliable system of distribution of waste molasses that is thoroughly equitable and fairly rapid to meet the periodic requirements of the producers. PROCEEDINGS OF THE PHILIPPINE SUGAR TECHNOLOGISTS. August: 267-274.
On Pulp and Paper from Bagasse
     Balasico, B.M. 1956.  More important installation in operation and under construction today in the pulp and paper industry; a major technological development and its importance implied in the consideration of any other move to increase the pulp and paper production. PROCEEDINGS OF THE PHILIPPINE SUGAR TECHNOLOGISTS. August: 264-266.