International Sugar Journal

Identification of three armyworm species (lepidoptera" Noctuidae) using DNA barcodes and restriction enzyme digestion 
Author: N. Joomun, S. Ganeshan and A. Dookum-Saumtally
Affiliation: 1. Mauritius Sugar Industry Reseach Institute, Reduit, Mauritius
Publisher: International Sugar Journal May 2012, Vol CXIV, No. 1361
Category: Sugar Refining
Pages: 344-349
Identification of intergeneric hybrids between Erianthus arundinaceus and Saccharum spontaneum through STMS markers
Author: P. Govindaraj, A. Balamurungan and U.S. Natarajan
Affiliation: 1. Senior Scientist, Sugarcane Breeding Institute, India
    2. Reseach Assistant, UPASI, Valparai India
    3. Retired principal scientist, Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India…
How combine harvesting of green cane bullets with different levels of trash affects production and processing. Part II: pilot plant processing to sugar
Author: G. Eggleston, H. birkett, J. Gay, B. Legendre, W. Jackson, C. Schudmark, A. Monge, B. Andrzejewski, R. viator and T. Charlet
Affiliation: 1. USDA-ARS Southern Regional research Center, New Orleans, USA
How combine harvesting of green cane bullets with different levels of trash affects production and processing. Part I: pilot plant processing to sugar
Author: G. Eggleston, H. birkett, J. Gay, B. Legendre, W. Jackson, C. Schudmark, A. Monge, B. Andrzejewski, R. viator and T. Charlet
Affiliation: 1. USDA-ARS Southern Regional research Center, New Orleans, USA
    2. Audubon…
High Efficiency Continuous centifugals used in "A" Massecuite
Author: Rafel M. Ibañez
Affiliation: The Western States Machine Company, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal December 2012, Vol CXIV, No. 1368
Pages: 870-872