How combine harvesting of green cane bullets with different levels of trash affects production and processing. Part II: pilot plant processing to sugar

Year Published

How combine harvesting of green cane bullets with different levels of trash affects production and processing. Part II: pilot plant processing to sugar


Author: G. Eggleston, H. birkett, J. Gay, B. Legendre, W. Jackson, C. Schudmark, A. Monge, B. Andrzejewski, R. viator and T. Charlet


Affiliation: 1. USDA-ARS Southern Regional research Center, New Orleans, USA

    2. Audubon Sugar Institute, Louisiana State Universoty Agricultural Center, USA

    3. St. Louis Planting Co., LA, USA 

    4. American Sugarcane League, LA, USA

    5. Cora texas Manufacturing Co., LA, USA

    6. USDA-ARS Sugarcane Research Unit, LA, USA



Publisher: International Sugar Journal June 2012, Vol CXIV, No. 1362


Category: Beet sugar and EU Sugar Quota Abolition


Pages: 169-178