International Sugar Journal

European beet sugar production 2009/10 - an estimate
Author: F.O. Licht
Affiliation:  F.O. Licht GmbH, Am Muhlengraben Ratzeburg, Germany
Publisher: International Sugar Journal October 2009, Vol CXI, No. 1330
Category: Beet Sugar
Pages: 622-627
EU beet growers: A ray of hope after reform?
Author:Jos Van campen
Affiliation:   International confederation European Beet Growers, Brussells, Belgium
Publisher: International Sugar Journal February 2009, Vol CXI, No. 1322
Category: Russian Sugar Review
Pages: 80-84
Effects of air injection during sap processing on maple syrup color, chemical composition and flavor volatiles
Author:A.K. van der Berg, M-A. Godshall and S.W. Lloyd
1. Proctor maple research Center, The University of vermont, Underhill Ctr., VT USA
2. Sugar Processing research Institute Inc., New Orleans, LA, USA
3. United States Department of Agriculture,…
Effect of sugarcane juice on the corrosion of grey cast iron
Author: Vernon Buchanan
Affiliation:   School of Engineering, Univerisity of technology, Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies
Publisher: International Sugar Journal September 2009, Vol CXI, No. 1329
Category: Cogeneration in Brazil
Pages: 597-601
Developing Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains for second generation bioethanol: improving xyclose fermentation and inhibitor tolerance
Author:Joao R.M. Almeida and Barbel Hahn-Hagerdal
Affiliation:   Department of Applied Microbiology, Lund University, Sweden
 Publisher: International Sugar Journal March 2009, Vol CXI, No. 1323
Category:   World Biofuels review
Pages: 172-180