International Sugar Journal

Optimization of α-Amylase application in raw sugar manufacture Part I: Characterization of commercial α-Amylases
Author: G. Eggleston, B. montes, A. Monge and D. Guidry
Affiliation: 1. Contract author: SRRC-USDA-ARS, New Orleans, LA, USA
2. Alma Plantations LLC, Lakeland, LA, USA
3. Cora texas Factory, White Castle, LA, USA
4. Leighton Factory, Thibodaux, LA, USA
Optimising the performance of rotary sugar dryers through modelling and control
Author: R.J. Steindi
Affiliation: Sugar Research and Innovation, Queensland University of technology, brisbane, Australia
Publisher: International Sugar Journal December 2008, Vol 110, No. 1320
Category: Centrifugals and Crystallization
Pages: 760-769
Life-cycle energy use and greenhouse gas emission implications of Brazilians sugarcane ethanool simulated with the GREET model
Author: Michael wang, May Wu, hong Huo and Jiahong Liu
Affiliation: Center for Transporation reseach, Argonne National Laboratory, South Cass Avenue, IL, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal September 2008, Vol 110, No. 1317
Category: greenhouse…
Laboratory experiments on billeting sugarcane 
Author: M.G. Barnes, J.G. Loughran and B.W. Lamb
Affiliation: 1. School of Engineering, James Cook University, Townsville, AU
2. New South Wales Sugar Milling Co-operative Ltd., AU
Publisher: International Sugar Journal July 2008, Vol 110, No. 1315
Category: billeting, chopper, end quality, stalk damage
Pages: 420-424
Investigation into the use of the fractal concept for improving mixed juice clarifier performance
Author: R.C. Loubser and S.B. Davis
Affiliation:Sugar Milling Research Institute, university of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa
Publisher: International Sugar Journal May 2008, Vol 110, No. 1313
Category: clarifier, fractal, performance
Pages: 292-297