International Sugar Journal

Sucrose crystal growth rate in pure solutions and in the presence of calcium acetate
Author: J. grbic and R.J. Mucibabic
Affiliation: Institute for Food Technology, Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia
Publisher: International Sugar Journal February 2008, Vol 110, No. 1310
Category: sucrose crystal growth rate, cooling crystallization, crystal size distribution, coulter  counter…
Successful collaboration between industry and universities in the US beet sugar industry
Author: Mohamed F.R. Khan
Affiliation: Extension Sugarbeet Specialist, North Dakota State University & University of Minnesota, fargo, ND, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal April 2008, Vol 110, No. 1312
Category: cooperatives, extension education, field demonstrations, reasech…
Simulation and design of a bagasse gasifier
Author: P.A. Hobson and J.A. Joyce
Affiliation: 1. Queensland University of technology, brisbane, AU
2. Formerly Sugar Research Institute, currently James Joyce and Associates, Mackay, AU
Publisher: International Sugar Journal January 2008, Vol 110, No. 1309
Category: gasifier, bagasse, optimisation, cold gas efficiency, pinch…
Russia's march towards self-sufficiency in sugar to continue
Author: Sergey Gudoshnikov
Affiliation: Senior Economist, International Sugar Organization, London, UK  
Publisher: International Sugar Journal February 2008, Vol 110, No. 1310
Pages: 62-69
Price relations in the U.S. sweetener market: A conintegration approach 
Author: Maria Jose Castillo, Santiago Bucaram and Andrew Schmitz
Affiliation:1. Department of Food and Resource Economics, university of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
2. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Davis, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal June 2008…