International Sugar Journal

An update of the ZeaChem process for increased ethanol production
Author: B.P. Lavarack, T. Eggeman, L.A. Edye, P.A. Hobson, J.L. Blinco and G.E. Bullock 
Affiliation: MSCA, ZeaChem, SRI at QUT, formerly of SRI at QUT 
Publisher: International Sugar Journal November 2007, Vol 109, No. 1307
Pages: 679-684
Agriculture information systems for the beet sugar industry
Author: Alan B. Telck
Affiliation: AgTerra Technologies, Inc., WY, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal May 2007, Vol 109, No. 1301
Category:  real-time data collection, accurate information
Pages: 329 - 332
Advances in sugar processing technology in sugar factories in South Africa over the past fifty years
Author: A.B. Ravno
Affiliation: Associate consultant, Bosch Projects (Pty) Limited
Fromerly Director of the Sugar Milling Research Institute and Technical Director of the lllvo Sugar Group
Publisher: International Sugar Journal July 2007, Vol 109, No. 1303
Category:  sugar…
Advances in field technology and environmental awareness in the South African sugar industry
Author: Pravin Goel, rajesh Khosia, L.K. Singhali and R.K. Goyal
Affiliation: Jindal Stainless Limited, Jindal Center, Bhikaji Cama Plance, New Delhi
Publisher: International Sugar Journal July 2007, Vol 109, No. 1303
Category: Polyols
Pages: 454 - 461
A study if three strategies for improving the fermentability of sugarcane bagasse hydrolysates for fuel ethanol production
Author: Carlos Martin, oscar Almazan, Marcelo Marcet and Leif J. Jonsson
Affiliation: 1. Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, university of Matanzas, matanzas, Cuba
2. Department of Bioengineering, Cuban Research Institute of Sugarcane…