International Sugar Journal

Engineered microorganisms for sustainable production of diesel fuel and other oleochemicals from renewable plant biomass
Author: Rainer Kalscheuer, Tim Stoveken, Alexander Steinbuchel
Affiliation: 1. Institut fur Molekulare mikrobiologie und Biotechnologie, Wesfalische Wilhelms-Universitat, Munster, Germany
2. Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Albert Einstein College…
Direct condensers - still state of the art or time to reconsider?
Author: Christian Stoffers
Affiliation: Alfa Laval Lund, Lund Sweden
Publisher: International Sugar Journal May 2007, Vol 109, No. 1301
Category:  Direct condensers, cost reduction
Pages: 325 - 328
Dimorphs of sucros
Author: Tu Lee and Yu Sheng Lin
Affiliation: 1. Department of Chemical and materials Engineering and 
2. Institute of Materials Science adn Engineering, national Central University, Taiwan
Publisher: International Sugar Journal July 2007, Vol 109, No. 1303
Category: Re-crystallized sucrose (RS), Poweder X-Ray Diffraction (PXRD), Single X-Ray Diffraction (SXD…
Developing the sugarcane biofactory for high-value biomaterials
Author: Steven M. Brumbley, Matthew P. Purnell, Lars A. Petrasovits, Lars K. Nielsen and Peter H. Twine
Affiliation: 1. Cooperative Research Centre for Sugar Industry Innovation through Biotechnology, The Univeristy of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, AU
2. Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, the…
Costs and benefits of the CBA boiling scheme for high pol sugar production
Author: R. Broadfoot
Affiliation: Sugar Research and Innovation, Queensland University of Technology, Mackay, QLD, AU 
Publisher: International Sugar Journal June 2007, Vol 109, No. 1302
Category: massecuite boiling scheme, CBA boiling scheme, Australian pan stages
Pages: 343 - 351