Developing the sugarcane biofactory for high-value biomaterials

Year Published

Developing the sugarcane biofactory for high-value biomaterials

Author: Steven M. Brumbley, Matthew P. Purnell, Lars A. Petrasovits, Lars K. Nielsen and Peter H. Twine

Affiliation: 1. Cooperative Research Centre for Sugar Industry Innovation through Biotechnology, The Univeristy of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, AU

2. Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, the University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia

3. BSES Limited, Indooroopilly, QLD, AU

Publisher: International Sugar Journal January 2007, Vol 109, No. 1297

Category:  biomaterials, biotechnology, biofactory, BioEconomy

Pages: 5 - 15