International Sugar Journal

Performance of adsorbent/filtration media for polishing sugar liquors
Author: George Jasovsky and Bruce Wells
Affiliation: Graver Technologies, Inc, Corporate Headquarters, Glasgow, DE, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal May 2003, Vol 105, No. 1253
Keywords: adsorbent, filtration
Pages: 250 - 253
Options for reform of the EU Sugar regime
Author: Duncan C. R. Clark
Affiliation: DCFM (Quotas) Ltd., Linconshire, UK
Publisher: International Sugar Journal November 2003, Vol 105, No. 1258
Keywords: Sugar Common market, prices, quota, liberalisation
Pages: 520 - 526
Optimising the carbonatation process 
Author: M. Moodley, P.M. Schorn, D.C. Walthew and P. Masinga
Affiliation: Tongaat-Hulett Sugar and Tongaat-Hulett Sugar Refinery, South Africa
Publisher: International Sugar Journal January 2003, Vol 105, No. 1249
Keywords: carbonatation, decolorisation, liquor quality
Pages: 24 - 28
Observations on centrifugal operation. part 2
Author: Broadbent Centrifuges, UK
1. Refinery Manager, INCAUCA Refineria de Colombia
2. Consultant
3. VP Marketing Carbo-UA Ltd,. CA, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal May 2003, Vol 105, No. 1253
Keywords: centrifugal
Pages: 205 - 211 
Membrane cross flow filtration for the production of refined suagr at a mill and in a refinery
Author: Xavier Lancrenon
Affiliation: Applexion, mauldre, France
Publisher: International Sugar Journal September 2003, Vol 105, No. 1257
Keywords: Applexion process, filtration, crystallization
Pages: 390 - 393