International Sugar Journal

Trends in sugar cane mechanization 
Author: Ross Ridge
Affiliation: PR Consulting, Bundaberg, QLD, AU
Publisher: International Sugar Journal April 2003, Vol 106, No. 1252
Keywords: cane mechanization, equipment investment
Pages: 150 - 154
Thermal death kinetics of bacterial contaminants during cane sugar and alcohol production
Author: Mark A. Franchi, Gil E. Serra, Johannes Svilosen and Marcelo Christianini 
Affiliation: State University of Campinas, UNICAMP, faculty of Food Engineering, Campinas, Brazil
Publisher: International Sugar Journal November 2003, Vol 105, No. 1258
Keywords: Thermal destruction rate,…
The cost of the U.S. sugar program revisited 
Author: John C. Beghin, Barbara El Osra, Jay R. Cherlow and Samarendu Mohanty
1. Visiting Scholar, Institut National de Reserche Agronomique, France
2. Sr. Economist and Asst. Director, Center for Economics, Applied Research and methods, US General Accounting Office, Washington, DC, USA
3. Asst Professor, Dept. of…
Technological colour control of sugar products
Author: luis San Miguel Bento
Affiliation: CIENTECA, porto, Portugal 
Publisher: International Sugar Journal September 2003, Vol 105, No. 1257
Keywords: coloir control, crystallization, ICUMSA Methods
Pages: 424 - 433
Sugarcane growth and development
Author: James H. Cock
Affiliation: Agricultural Consultant
Publisher: International Sugar Journal November 2003, Vol 105, No. 1258
Keywords: growth, cane yields, agronomic management
Pages: 540 - 553