International Sugar Journal

Effect of azoxystrobin applications based on soil temperature on Rhizoctonia root adn crown rot of sugarbeet
Author: M.F.R. Khan, J. Khan and C.A. Bradley
Affiliation: 1. Department of Plant Pathology, North Dakota State University, Fargo, USA
             2. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota, USA
    3. Univeristy of Illinois, USA
ARBOFORM - a lignin -based thermoplastic
Author:Emilia R. Inone-Kauffmann
Publisher: International Sugar Journal January 2009, Vol CXI, No. 1321
Category:  Biorenewables
Pages: 10-11
American Crystal Sugar's experiences with a Putsch Jet Wash Roller Table
Author:Kevin Bloom, Terry McFillibray, Heather Jarski and Sheldon Seaborn
Affiliation:   American Crystal Sugar Company, East Grand Forks, Minnesota, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal June 2009, Vol CXI, No. 1326
Category:  China and Southeast Asia Review
Pages: 4405-408
Using near infra red spectroscopy for rapid quantification of intermediate sugar factory products
Author: R. Simpson and Y. naidoo
Affiliation: Sugar Milling Reseach Institute
Publisher: International Sugar Journal October 2010, Vol CXII, No. 1342
Category:  Beet processing and Transport
Pages: 550-556
Use of the lifecycle assessment (LCA) for comparison of the environmental performance of four alternative for the treatment and disposal of bioethanol stillage
Author: M.H. Rocha, E.E.S Lora, O.J. Ventini, JCP Escobar, JJCS Santos and A.G. Moura
Affiliation: 1. Excellence Group in Thermal Power and Distributed Generation (NEST), Federal University of Itajuba, Brazil