Use of the lifecycle assessment (LCA) for comparison of the environmental performance of four alternative for the treatment and disposal of bioethanol stillage

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Use of the lifecycle assessment (LCA) for comparison of the environmental performance of four alternative for the treatment and disposal of bioethanol stillage

Author: M.H. Rocha, E.E.S Lora, O.J. Ventini, JCP Escobar, JJCS Santos and A.G. Moura

Affiliation: 1. Excellence Group in Thermal Power and Distributed Generation (NEST), Federal University of Itajuba, Brazil

    2. Dedini Industria de Base S.A., Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Publisher: International Sugar Journal November 2010, Vol CXII, No. 1343

Category:  Biofuels

Pages: 611-622