International Sugar Journal

Efficacy of liquid Pseudomonas fluorescens (Pf1) against sugarcane red rot, caused by Collectrotrichum falcatum, under field conditions
Author: R. Senthil, S. Selvaraj, T. Anand, T. Raguchander and R. Samiyappan
Affiliation: 1. Centre for Plant Protection Studies
    2. The Director, Centre for Plant Molecular Biology, Tamil Nadu Agrcultural University, India
Effects of silicon and plant defence inducers on sugarcane yield parameters, Eldana saccharina Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae and Fulmekiola serrata kobus (thysanoptera:thripidae)
Author: R.S Rutherford, C. Sewpersad and M.G. Keeping
Affiliation: 1. South African Sugar Research Institute, South Africa
    2. School of Biological and Conservation Sciences
Effects of producing maple syrup from concentrated and reconstituted maple sap of different sugar concentrations
Author: A.K.van der Berg, T.D. Perkins, M.L Isselhardt, M.A. Godshall and S.W. Lloyd
Affiliation: 1. Prcoter Maple Research Center, The University of Vermont, USA
    2. Sugar Processing Research Institute, Inc. USA
    3. United States Department of Agriculture,…
Drivers and barriers for industrtial biotechnology
Author: Gunter Festel
Affiliation: Autodisplay Biotech, Germany; Chair of Technology and Innovation Management, Switzerland
Publisher: International Sugar Journal January 2011, Vol 113, No. 1345
Pages: 19-23
Development of season long deficit irrigation strategis for sugarbeet
Author: C.Dean Yonts
Affiliation: University of Nebraska, Panhandle Reseach and Extension Center, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal October 2011, Vol 113, No. 1354
Pages: 728-731