International Sugar Journal

Reducing bagasse consumption at Harwood mill
Author: AP Mann and R.M. Dephoff
1. Sugar Research and Innovation, QUT, Australia
2. New South Wales Sugar Milling Co-operative, Australia
Publisher: International Sugar Journal July 2006, Vol 108, No. 1291
Keywords: Bagasse, renewable, biomass
Pages: 365 - 371
Reasons for the chemical destruction of sugar during the processing of sugarcane for raw sugar and fuel alcohol production
Author: Gillian Eggleston adn henrique Amorim
1. SRRC-USDA-ARS, New Orleans, LA, USA
2. Fermentec Ltda, Piracicaba-SP, Brazil
Publisher: International Sugar Journal May 2006, Vol 108, No. 1289
Keywords: glucose, fructose, sucrose losses
Production of advanced biofuels
Author: Carlo N. Hamelinck and Andre PC Faaij
Affiliation: Utrecht University Copernicus Institute, the Netherlands
Publisher: International Sugar Journal March 2006, Vol 108, No. 1287
Keywords: synthetic diesel, biofuels, methanol, ethanol, hydrogen
Pages: 168 - 175
Overview of the biological processes available for the treatment of sugarmill wastewater
Author: A.K. Subramanian and yogesh marwaha
Affiliation: ISGEC John Thompson, India
Publisher: International Sugar Journal August 2006, Vol 108, No. 1292
Keywords: treatment, wastewater
Pages: 431 - 439
Mean particle size determination of ground sugar using near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy
Author: Ranjana Mehrotra, Alka Gupta, Jagdish Tewari, Harish Chander and Virendra Shanker
1. Optical radiaton Standards, national Physical laboratory, New Delhi
2. Division of Electronic materials, national Physical laboratory, New Delhi
Publisher: International…