Latest supply and demand situation of the philippine sugar industry
Archived Articles
August 14, 2015Sugaronline |
A project funded by the European Development Fund will support approximately 300 sugarcane producers in Mozambique organised into five associations to increase their income through guaranteed product placement, reports Macauhub.
The project, formally known as the Small Scale Farmers Development Project will also…
August 13, 2015Sugaronline |
Hearing the familiar jingle of an ice cream truck in the heat of summer may not be the only reason kids constantly crave sweet treats, according to the US' NBC News.
Children don't just like sugar — they are biologically hard-wired to eat it, according to scientist Julie Mennella, a researcher with the Monell…
August 13, 2015Sugaronline |
The carryover on Oct. 1, 2016, was projected at 1,780,000 tons, up 132,000 tons, or 8%, from July but down 41,000 tons, or 2%, from 2015.
The 2014/15 ending stocks-to-use ratio was forecast at 15.1%, up from 14.3% as the July forecast. The 2015/16 ending stocks-to-use ratio was projected at 14.6%, up from 13.5%…
August 13, 2015SunStar (SDR/Sunnex) |
THE Bureau of Customs has seized 26 40-footer container vans of illegally imported sugar and rice worth around P40 million at the Manila International Container Port (MICP).
Customs Deputy Commissioner for Intelligence Jessie Dellosa said Thursday that operatives of the Bureau’s Intelligence Group…
August 13, 2015Manila Standard Times (Anna Leah E. Gonzales) |
The Philippines will likely stop exporting sugar to meet the rising domestic demand, the Sugar Regulatory Administration said Thursday.
SRA, which regulates the sugar industry, said it would allocate 100 percent of the sugar production in the coming crop year for domestic…