September 4, 2015
Sugaronline |
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Commodity Credit Corp. on Aug. 28 said it reassigned 19,510 tons of surplus cane sugar and 31,896 tons of surplus beet sugar marketing allocations among domestic processors for fiscal 2015 (2014/15 marketing year), according to the US’s Food Business News.
The C.C.C. transferred cane sugar marketing allocation from two cane processors in Florida with surplus allocation to another processor needing more allocation to market a larger-than-expected crop. Reassigned cane sugar allocations included 17,376 tons from Florida Crystals and 2,134 tons from Growers Co-op. of Florida, all to U.S. Sugar Corp.
The C.C.C. also transferred beet sugar allocation from six beet sugar processors with surplus allocation (2,770 tons from Amalgamated Sugar Co., 11,701 tons from American Crystal Sugar Co., 4,025 tons from Minn-Dak Farmers Co-op., 5,319 tons from Southern Minn Beet Sugar Co-op., 7,555 tons from Western Sugar Co. and 527 tons from Wyoming Sugar Growers, L.L.C.) all to Michigan Sugar Co., which needed more allocation to market its record high crop.
The C.C.C. also said it did not expect to buy or sell sugar under the Feedstock Flexibility Program for fiscal 2016 (2015/16).