U.S. exported 836 million gallons of ethanol last year

February 8, 2015
Sucrose News

U.S. ethanol exports reached near-record levels in 2014, sending 836 million gallons of ethanol worth $2.1 billion to international markets, the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) explained today in its new publication “2014 U.S.

Ethanol Exports and Imports: Statistical Summary.” The publication offers a succinct overview of the U.S. ethanol export and import markets in 2014 showing the upward trend in exports and the downward trend in imports — reaching the second-lowest levels — since 2005. The report finds that U.S. ethanol has made its way to all inhabited continents of the world, reaching more than 50 countries. The top five countries importing U.S. ethanol last year included Canada, Brazil, the United Arab Emirates, the Philippines, and India. Meanwhile, exports to the European Union remain down due to a punitive trade tariff it chooses to impose on U.S. produced ethanol.

Reference: http://www.sucrosenews.com/more.php?detid=1515#.VNgebNKUfyW