Summary of Abstracts Presented during the ASSCT Joint Meeting

Year Published

Sugar News: Summary of Abstracts Presented during the ASSCT Joint Meeting

Titles:Economic Feasibility of Growing Sugarcane and Energycane for Energy on the Mineral Soils of Southern Florida

       Biodiesel from Algae as an Alternative for Sugar Mill Sustainability

       Recent Development in Sugarcane Agriculture that Affect Processing

       Entrainment Losses in Louisiana Sugar Factories

       New Approach to Fluid Distribution in the Industrial Clarifiers

       Iron Mediated Clarification and Decolorization of Sugarcane Juice: A Pilot Test

       Sugarcane Yield Monitors

       Sandy Soils in Florida

       Thermophilic Anaerobic Digestion of Cane Sugar Filter CAke

       CP-Cultivar Development Program: Challenges and Responses

       Repeatability of Sugarcane Selection on Sand and Organic Soils

       Assessing the Quantitative and Molecular Changes in the Florida Sugarcane Breeding Program

       second Generation Sequencing for MArker Development in Sugarcane

       Searching for DNA Markers Associated with Sugar Content in Sugarcane

       and others....

Author: American Society of Sugar Cente Technologists

Publisher: Sugar Journal, June 2010, Vol. 73, No. 1

Pages: 8-28