Sugarcane International - Identification of Microsatellites markers associated with yield components and quality parameters in sugarcane

Year Published

Sugarcane International - Identification of Microsatellites markers associated with yield components and quality parameters in sugarcane

Author: L.R. Pinto, D.C. Leite, T.M Favero, M.M Pastina, A.A.F Garcia, D. Perecin, B.S. Goncalves, S. Creste, M.A. Xavier, M.A.P Bidoia, M.G.A. Landell and A. Pereira de Souza

Affiliation: Centro Avancado da Pesquisa Tecnologica do Agronomeco de Cana - AIC/APTA, Brasil

Publisher: International Sugar Journal February 2011, Vol 113, No. 1346

Pages: 140-144