Year Published





* Breeding and Genetics- Integrating imperical and analytical approches to investigate genotype x environment interactions in sugarcane

- Single-strand conformational polymorphinism of EST-SSRs: A potential tool for diversity analysis and varietal    identification in sugarcane

- High diversity of culturable Burkholderia species associated with sugarcane

- Development of microsatellite markers in autopolyploid sugarcane and comparative analysis of conserved    microsatellites in sorghum and sugarcane

- Development of leaf spectral models for evaluating large numbers of sugarcane genotypes

- A major quantitative trait allele for resistance to the Sugarcane yellow leaf virus (Luteoviridae)

- identification and cloning of molecular markers for UV-B tolerant gene in wild sugarcane (Saccharum spontaneum L.)

- Inference of sugenomic origin of BACs in an interspecific hybrid sugarcane cultivar by overlapping oligonucleotide    hybridizations

* Pest Controls- Resistance of Melaniphis sacchari in the sugarcane cultivar R 365

* Disease Control- Molecular detection of Collectotrichum falcatum causing red rot disease of sugarcane (Saccharum Officinarum) Using    a SCAR marker 

- Biological control of red rot in sugarcane by native pyoluteorin-producing Pseudomonas putida strain NH-50 under    field conditions and its potential modes of action


- Changes in cynamyl alcohol dehydrogenase activities from sugarcane cultivars inoculated with sporisorium    scitamineum sporidia

- Genotype identification and genetic diversity of sugarcane yellow leaf virus in China

- First report of leaf spot disease on sugarcane caused by bipolaris specifera in China

* Crop management- Growth and yield responses to amendments to the sugarcane monoculture: towards identifying the reasons behind the    response to breaks

- Reuse of Distillery wastewater with designated dose and pattern for sugarcane irrigation

* Plant physiology- regulation of miR319 during cold stress in sugarcane

- Field performance of transgenic sugarcane expressing isomaltukose synthase

- Role of proline and glycinebetaine pretreatments in improving heat tolerance of sprouting sugarcane (Saccharum sp.)  buds

- Comparing encapsulation-dehydration and droplet-vitrification for cryopreservation of sugarcane (Saccharum spp)  shoot tips

* Environmental Issues- Transport of NO x emission from sugarcane fertilisation into the Great barrier Reef Lagoon


- Flood duration and time of flood onset effects on recently planted sugarcane

- Infield greenhouse gas emisisons from sugarcane soild in Brazil: Effects from synthetic and organic fertilizer    application and crop trash accumulation

- Greenhouse gas balance due to the conversion of sugarcane areas from burned to green harvest, considering other  conservationist management practices 

- PAHs carbonyls, VOCs and PM2.5 emission factors for pre-harvest burning 

of Florida sugarcane.


Category: Ethanol, Lobbying in the EU & Seed Drill Evaluation

