Sugar Journal

Sugar News: Sugar Breeding Programs: a Costly Payback Adventure
Author: Guilherme Rossi Machado Jr.
Publisher: Sugar Journal, October 2009, Vol. 72, No. 5
Pages: 19-20
Sugar News: Sugar Beet Production in the Arkansas Valey of Colorado
Author: Garry Smith
Publisher: Sugar Journal, May 2009, Vol. 71, No. 12
Pages: 20
Sugar News: Status and Promise of GMO's
Author: Garry Smith
Publisher: Sugar Journal, February 2009, Vol. 71, No. 9
Pages: 18-19
Sugar News: Screening for Tolerance to Saturated Soil Conditions for Cane Grown for Sugar and Biofuels Production
Authors: R.P.Viator, H.L. Waguespack, R.A. Neil and E.P. Richard, Jr.
Publisher: Sugar Journal, February 2009, Vol. 71, No. 9
Pages: 16
Sugar News: Progress in Plant Genome Initiative
Author: Garry Smith
Publisher: Sugar Journal, January 2009, Vol. 71, No. 8
Pages: 11