Sugar Journal

Molasses Exhaustion and Target Purity Formulas
Saska, M., Gourdeau, S.,  1999.  Target purity is an accepted concept designed to provide a practical benchmark of factory molasses exhaustion as the difference between the actual and target purity. TPD is thought to be more objective criterion for judging the quality of low grade station than the actual purity alone.…
Infield Loading, Transloading, Transport and Mill Receiving Facilities
Meyer, E., Norris, C.P.,  2001.  The paper summarized the findings compiled from the contributions of the committee members and from the proceedings of the ISSCT Agricultural Engineering section Workshop held in Malelane, Mpumalanga, South Africa. The various issues influencing choice of cane…
An Alternative Use for Bagasse - Stabilizing Agent for Lead Waste
Janusa, M.A., Laine, P.L.,  2001.  Another method for the utilization of bagasse was investigated using bagasse as a stabilizing agent for heavy metal waste solidified/stabilized in cement. Lead nitrate was used as the model heavy metal waste with a 10 or 15 percent lead by weight to cement loading. An…
Sugar cane bagasse drying - a review
Author: Juan H. Sosa-Arnao, Jefferson L.G. Correa, Maria A. Silva and Silvia A. Nebra
1. Mechanical Engineering Faculty, State University of Campina, Unicamp, Brazil
2. Food Sciece Department, Federal University of Lavras - UFLA
3. Chemical Engineering Faculty, State University of Campinas, Brazil
4. Inter Disciplinary Center…
Online evaporator heat transfer measurement and analysis
Author: David Solberg, Peter Rein, and Detlev Schlorke
Affiliation: Audubon Sugar Institute, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, LA, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal January 2006, Vol 108, No. 1285
Keywords: evaporators, measurements
Pages: 28 - 38