International Sugar Journal

UK investments in carbohydrate-driven chemical production
Author: Merlin Goldman
Affiliation: 1. Technology Strategy Board, Swindon, UK
Publisher: International Sugar Journal January 2011, Vol 113, No. 1345
Pages: 31-34
Trash management after green cane harvesting and its effect on productivity and soil respiration
Author: F. Munoz-Arboleda and R. Quintero-Duran
Affiliation: 1. Centro de Investigacion de la caña de azucar de Colombia
    2. Sucrogen Australia Pty Ltd, Kalamia Mill, Ayr., Australia
Publisher: International Sugar Journal December 2011, Vol 113, No. 1355
Pages: 804-808
Sustainable production of fine chemicals by the solvent-tolerant Pseudomonas putida S12 using lignocellulosic feedstock
Author: Jean Paul Meijnen, Johannes H. de Winde and Harald J. Ruijssenaars
Affiliation: 1. Department of Biotechnology, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
    2. BIRD Engineering BV, The Netherlands
Publisher: International Sugar Journal January 2011…
Survey of sugarcane moth borers in southeast Vietnam 
Author: Cao Anh Duong, Do Ngoc Diep and Ha Quang Hung
Affiliation: 1. Sugar and Sugarcane Research and Development Center, MARD, Vietnam
    2. Institute of Agricultural Science for Southern Vietnam, MARD, Vietnam
    3. Hanoi Universtiy of Agriculture, MOET, Vietnam
Publisher: International Sugar Journal October 2011, Vol…
Sugarcane, carbon sequestration and food supplies
Author: R.A yates
Affiliation: Booker Agriculture International; World Bank   
Publisher: International Sugar Journal September 2011, Vol 113, No. 1354
Pages:672 - 676