International Sugar Journal

Backened corrosion in bagasse - coal fired boilers with particular reference to cogeneration (with an extra appendix included to show the effect of burning oil and natural gas with bagasse
Author: N. Magasiner
Affiliation: magasiner Technology
Publisher: International Sugar Journal March 2011, Vol 113, No. 1347
Pages: 188-204
Utilisation of wild canes from China
Author: P.A. Jackson, Y.H Fan, Q-W. Li, H-H Deng, T.E. Morgan, G. Piperidis and K.S. Aitken
Affiliation: CSIRO Plant Industry, Australia, Cooperative Research Center for Sugarcane Innovation through Biotechnology, Australia, Yunnan Sugarcane     research Institute, China
Publisher: International Sugar Journal August 2011, Vol 113, No. 1352…
Using computer simulation models to aid replant planning and garvest decisions in irrigated sugarcane
Author: m.G. McGlinchey and M.P Dell
Affiliation: 1. Sugar Systems, South Africa
Publisher: International Sugar Journal October 2011, Vol 113, No. 1354
Pages: 708-713
Use of optical sensor for mill power measurement in sugar factories
Author: M.N Awatade, S.A. Kate and A.D. Shaligram
Affiliation: 1. Vasantada Sugar Institute, Maharashtra, India
    2. Department of Electronic Science, University of Pune, Maharashtra, India
Publisher: International Sugar Journal May 2011, Vol 113, No. 1349
Pages: 355-362
Unravelling pathologenicity of Xanthomonas albilineans, the causal agent of sugarcane leaf scald
Author: P. Rott, M. Marguerretaz, L. Fleites, S. Cocianrich, J.C. Girard, I. Pieretti, D.W. Gabriel and M. Royer
Affiliation: 1. CIRAD, UMR Cirad-Inra-Montpellier SupAgro Biologie et Genetique des Interactions Plante-parasite (BGPI), France
Publisher: International Sugar Journal…