International Sugar Journal

Thailand sugar industry - current status
Publisher: International Sugar Journal June 2009, Vol CXI, No. 1326
Category:  China and Southeast Asia Review
Pages: 381-386
Sugarcane Crushing mill characterisation as load for electric drive selection
Author: E. Rosero and J. Ramirez
Affiliation:    Reseach group in industrial Control, Univerisdad del Valle, Colombia
Publisher: International Sugar Journal July 2009, Vol CXI, No. 1327
Category: Sugar processing, Cane Production and Biofuels
Pages: 462-470
Sugarbeet storage techniques developed
Author: Dan Bernhardson
Affiliation:  American Crystal Sugar Company, Moorhead, Minnesota, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal October 2009, Vol CXI, No. 1330
Category: Beet Sugar
Pages: 628-631
Sugar Industries of the Former Soviet Union (FSU) countries
Author: Sergey Gudoshnikov
Affiliation:   Senior Economist, Internation Sugar Journal 
Publisher: International Sugar Journal February 2009, Vol CXI, No. 1322
Category: Russian Sugar Review
Pages: 60-69
Sugar in China
Author: Mark Hazlehurst
Affiliation:     British Sugar Overseas Ltd., Sugar Way, Peterborough , UK
Publisher: International Sugar Journal June 2009, Vol CXI, No. 1326
Category:  China and Southeast Asia Review
Pages: 344-354