International Sugar Journal

The sweet sorghum opportunity: A complementary source of low-cost fermentable sugar for biofuel
Author: Spencer Swayze
Affiliation:  Manager of Business Development, Biofuel Ceres, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal November 2009, Vol CXI, No. 1331
Category: Biofuels
Pages: 691-695
The flow of solar energy to biofuel feedstock via photosynthesis
Author:Mikko Tikkanen, Marjaana Suorsa and Eva-mari Aro
Affiliation:   University of Turku, Department of Biology, Plant physiology and Molecular Biology
Publisher: International Sugar Journal March 2009, Vol CXI, No. 1323
Category:   World Biofuels review
Pages: 156-163
The effect of roll diameter on mill capacity 
Author: C.A. Garson
Affiliation:    Bundaberg walkers Engineering Ltd., Bundaberg, Australia
Publisher: International Sugar Journal July 2009, Vol CXI, No. 1327
Category: Sugar processing, Cane Production and Biofuels 
Pages: 471-475
The economic crisis and the sugar and alcohol industry in Brazil
Author: Andre Castello Branco
Affiliation:  Corporate Finance, KPMG Brazil
Publisher: International Sugar Journal September 2009, Vol CXI, No. 1329
Category: Cogeneration in Brazil
Pages: 556
The development of cogeneration projects at Condong and Broadwater mills
Author: C. Palmer, R.M Farrell and J. Hurt
 1. NSW Sugar Milling Co-operative Limited, Australia
 2. Deltra Electricity, Australia
Publisher: International Sugar Journal September 2009, Vol CXI, No. 1329
Category: Cogeneration in Brazil
Pages: 566-571