International Sugar Journal

Unveiling the nature, morphology and localization of particles responsible for white sugar turbidity
Author: A. Bensouissi, C. Rousse et al
1. laboratoire de Chimie Physique Industrielle - UMR 614-FARE
2. laboratoire de Dynamique des Transferts aux Interfaces-EA, 
   Universite de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France 
Publisher: International Sugar Journal March 2009…
Unique two roller mill combination: The CMR mill
Author: Bhausaheb B. Nikam and Sachin B. Nikam
Affiliation:   Ulka Industries Ltd., maharashtra State, India
Publisher: International Sugar Journal September 2009, Vol CXI, No. 1329
Category: Cogeneration in Brazil
Pages: 590-596
Treatment of cooling tower effluent from sugar mill cogeneration power plants using constructed wetlands
Author: M.L. bayley, D. McCann, P. Shaw and K. O'Hara
Affiliation:  1. Australian Wetlands Byron Bay NSW, Australia
                2. Rocky Point Green Powerm Woongoolba, Queensland
                3. Queensland Laboratory, Arundel QLD, Australia
Publisher: International…
The use of sugar beet pulp in paper manufacture
Author:J. Gigac, M. Fiserova and S. Bohacek
Affiliation:   Pulp and Paper research Institute, Lamacska cesta, Slovak Republic
Publisher: International Sugar Journal January 2009, Vol CXI, No. 1321
Category:  Biorenewables
Pages: 20-26
The use of capillatry viscometry to survery viscosity in cane sugar factories
Author: G.R.E. Lionnet
Affiliation:    Tongaat-Hulett Sugar Ltd. Glnashley, South Africa
Publisher: International Sugar Journal July 2009, Vol CXI, No. 1327
Category: Sugar processing, Cane Production and Biofuels
Pages: 455-461