International Sugar Journal

Sugar News: From Fossil Era to Biofuels
Author: Antonio Cesar Salibe
Publisher: Sugar Journal, August 2008, Vol. 71, No. 3
Pages: 6-8
Sugar News: European View of Bioplastics
Author: Garry Smith
Publisher: Sugar Journal, April 2008 , Vol. 70, No. 11
Pages: 9-10
Sugar News: Combined Glyphosate-Ripener and Residue Blanket Stresses Reduce Ratoon Yields in Louisiana
Authors: RP Viator, CD Dalley, RM Johnson and EP Richard, Jr.
Publisher: Sugar Journal, January 2008 , Vol. 70, No. 8
Pages: 6
Sugar News: Biotech - Can It Work in Sugarcane
Author: Charley Richard
Publisher: Sugar Journal, April 2008 , Vol. 70, No. 11
Pages: 6-10
Sugar News: Biofuels Impact to Food Supply II
Author: Garry Smith
Publisher: Sugar Journal, August 2008, Vol. 71, No. 3
Pages: 9