International Sugar Journal

An assessment of postharvest sucrose losses in sugarcane billets under sug-tropical conditions
Author: S. Solomon, A.K. Shrivastava, P. Singh, I. Singh, A. Sawnani and C.P. Prajapati
Affiliation: Postharvest Laboratory, Division of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
Publisher: International Sugar Journal April 2008, Vol 110, No. 1312
Category: Billets, commercial cane sugar,…
Alternative drives for cane milling applications
Author: Peter Bulkley
Affiliation: Product Management, David Brown - Engineered Products, Textron Fluid & Power, UK
Publisher: International Sugar Journal April 2008, Vol 110, No. 1312
Category: Gear technology, casing, layshaft, manufacturing, sugarmill drive, alternative drives
Pages: 248-251
A systematic approach to optimization of the BMA K-2300 continuous centrifugal
Author: Christohper D. Rhoten
Affiliation: Western Sugar Cooperative, Scottsbluff, NE, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal July 2008, Vol 110, No. 1315
Category: beet sugar, continuous centrifugals, performance
Pages: 396-402
A sugar mill cogeneration plant repowering alternatives: Evaluation through the combination of thermodynamic and economic concepts
Author: Electo Eduardo Silva Lora; Marcelo Zampieri, Oswaldo Jose Venturini
Affiliation: Excellence Group in Thermal Power and Distributed Generation, Federal Univeristy of Itajuba, Brazil
Publisher: International Sugar Journal August 2008, Vol 110…
A study of juice analysis by Celite filtration and near infrared polarimetry as an alternative to lead clarification
Author: J.D. Snoad and N.S. Thomas
Affiliation:The Mulgrave Central Mill Co. Ltd, QLD, AU
Publisher: International Sugar Journal May 2008, Vol 110, No. 1313
Category: celite filtration, dark field, juice analysis, NIR, pol
Pages: 284-290