International Sugar Journal

By-products from bagasse
Author: D.F. Day, G. Dequeiroz, C-H. Chung and M. Kim
Affiliation: Audubon Sugar Institute, LSU Agriculture Center, Baton Rouge, LA., USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal January 2008, Vol 110, No. 1309
Category: biorefinery, by-products, mono-phenols, lignin
Pages: 7-11
Brazil's sugar cane output growth: Current drivers and outlook
Author: Leonardo Bichara Rocha
Affiliation: International Sugar Organization, London
Publisher: International Sugar Journal September 2008, Vol 110, No. 1317
Category: ethanol, foreign direct investment, international trade, sugar
Pages: 564-569
Bagasse transport and storage for the Pioneer cogeneration project
Author: P. trayner
Affiliation:  CSR Sugar Pioneer Mill, Brandon, AU
Publisher: International Sugar Journal August 2008, Vol 110, No. 1316
Category: cogeneration, bagasse, reclamation, storage, transport
Pages: 475-481
An update on alternative sweeteners
Author: Nuria Mari, Lorena L. Funesm Doming Saura and Vicente Micol
Affiliation: 1. Instituto de Biologia Molecular y Celular, Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Elche, Spain
2. New Developments in Nutraceuticals, Parque Industrial, Elche, Spain
Publisher: International Sugar Journal July 2008, Vol 110, No. 1315
Category: intense sweeteners,…
An economical means of improving the juice extraction performance of four-roll mills
Author: G.A. Kent and C.A. Zapatero
Affiliation: 1. Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, AU
2. Ledesma s.a.a.i. Ldor. general San martin , Argentina
Publisher: International Sugar Journal June 2008, Vol 110, No. 1314
Category: bagasse, mill, moisture, reabsorption, suction