International Sugar Journal

Catalyctic conversion of sugar into conventional gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and other hydrocarbons
Author: Paul G. Blommel, Gregory R. Keenan, Robert T. Rozmiarek and Randy D, Cortright
Affiliation: Virent Energy Systems, Inc. WI, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal November 2008, Vol 110, No. 1319
Category: World Biofuels
Pages: 672-679
Carbonisation and gasification of bagasse for effective utilisation of sugarcane biomass
Author: Masami Ueno, Yoshinobu Kawamitsu, Yasuaki Komiya and Liya Sun
Affiliation: University of the Ryukyus, Japan
Publisher: International Sugar Journal January 2008, Vol 110, No. 1309
Category: carbonisation, gasification, charcoal, global warming, biomass
Pages: 22-25
Cane Soil removal in Thailand to aid sugar processing
Author: S. Yanguen and S, Wongpichet
Affiliation: Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khon Khaen, Thailand
Publisher: International Sugar Journal August 2008, Vol 110, No. 1316
Category: soil removal, sugarcane, sugar processing, roller screen
Pages: 496-500
Cane quality payment incentives to optimise the production of sugar, ethanol and cogeneration
Author: A.T. Wynne
Affiliation: South African Cane growers Association, South Africa
Publisher: International Sugar Journal January 2008, Vol 110, No. 1309
Category: cane payment, division of proceeds, pricing , incentives
Pages: 28-33
Can CDM uplift cogeneration project development
Author: J. McLaughlin, P-J. Steenbergen, J,C, Parreño and E. Seto
Affiliation: EcoSecurities, Oxford, UK
Publisher: International Sugar Journal August 2008, Vol 110, No. 1316
Category: bagasse, carbon credits, carbon markets, CDM, CER, cogeneration
Pages: 445-454